pdfs/vol 60 1-6 10..pdf
Virginia TOBACCO
Shteliyana Kalinova
Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Bulgaria,
During 2008-2009, a randomized field
experiment was conducted with 4 soil herbicides on
an alluvial-meadow soil in the village Karadzhalovo,
Bulgaria. The experiment was conducted with
flue cured tobacco variety Virginia 0454, on a soil which
had been previously planted with wheat.
It consisted of Devrinol 4 F at a dose 4,0 l/ha (a.s.
napropamide); Pronin 720 EC at a dose 2,5 l/ha
(a.s. propizohlor); Stomp New 33 EC at a dose 4,0 l/ha (a.s.
pendimethalin); Harness at doses 1,5 l/
ha and 2,5 l/ha (a.s. acetochlor).
In the areas with herbicides, one mechanized processing
in line spacings and one hand hoeing
in the rows were carried out. In the control without herbicides,
two mechanized and two manual
handlings of the soil were made. The preparations were applied
24 hours before the tobacco planting
without incorporation. Stomp New 33 EC
in a dose 4,0 l/ha and Pronin 720 EC in a dose 2,5 l/ha showed
very good to excellent efficacy
against susceptible annual weeds. Pendimetalin and propizohlor
help to increase the yield from 39,58%
to 40,47% and to increase the average percentage of Ist class
Virginia tobacco for 6,5%. When
conditions for growth and development of flue cured tobacco are
more favorable, the application of
herbicides has less effect on yield increase. The application of
soil herbicides before tobacco
planting allows a reduction of manual and mechanical hoes,
without an adverse effect on the
Key words:
Devrinol 4F, Stomp 33 EC, Harness, Pronin 720 EC, virginia
tobacco, weeds